5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Suite 430 Atlanta, GA 30342

Dental Technology Sandy Springs, Atlanta, GA

At Flax Dental, we are dedicated to staying at the forefront of dental innovation. We offer our Sandy Springs patients the latest advancements in technology for optimal oral health and stunning smiles. Our dental office aims to step into the future of dentistry, where advanced technologies meet compassionate care. Explore the cutting-edge technologies that redefine the dental experience. Let Dr. Flax elevate your journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile in Atlanta.

Our Technology in Sandy Springs, GA

Dental Lasers: Precision and Comfort

Say goodbye to traditional dental procedures and welcome the precision and comfort of dental lasers. These advanced tools allow Dr. Flax to perform a variety of treatments with unparalleled accuracy and minimal discomfort.

Whether you’re seeking gum contouring, cavity treatment, or gum disease therapy, dental lasers ensure precise results and faster healing times. Experience a new and more comfortable level of care with our dental laser technology. 

Digital Smile Design: Your Smile, Designed with Precision

Imagine being able to preview your future smile before any treatment begins. With digital smile design, we can turn this vision into reality. Using advanced software and digital imaging, we can create a customized blueprint of your ideal smile. This innovative approach allows you to visualize the outcomes of your cosmetic procedures. this includes porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and even orthodontic treatments. Together, we can tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your unique goals for a radiant smile.

3D CBCT Imaging

Gone are the days of two-dimensional x-rays. Flax Dental utilizes 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging to achieve a comprehensive view of your mouth. this advanced technology provides detailed 3D images of your teeth, jawbone, nerves, and surrounding tissues.

With this precise information at hand, we can accurately diagnose dental issues and plan complex procedures like dental implant placement. It allows us to ensure optimal treatment outcomes. You can move forward in your dental journey knowing that your oral health is in expert hands.

State-of-the-Art Single-Tooth Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is an essential component of dental care. But let’s be honest – nobody enjoys anesthesia injections. In fact, many patients report that the numbing process is more anxiety-provoking than the procedure itself. No longer!

Flax Dental is proud to be one of the few practices in the area offering the Wand Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA) system, which significantly reduces the discomfort associated with the numbing process. This high-tech system completely eliminates the need for multiple uncomfortable shots to numb your mouth. 

Dr. Flax and his amazing team are always working to incorporate the newest technologies and methodologies to provide you with the most effective, comfortable care possible. The Wand is an ideal solution for those who experience dental anxiety or anyone who deals with stress around needles and anesthesia.

What It Is

The Wand is a state-of-the-art STA system that offers effective, comfortable administration of anesthesia to targeted areas of the mouth with just one injection. It not only makes the numbing process more efficient and comfortable, but it also ensures immediate relief and quicker recovery.

How It Works

Unlike traditional numbing agents, which require multiple injections, the Wand delivers effective local anesthesia with just one injection. The device looks and feels much like a pen, with a small needle at the tip, which can be hidden to increase comfort for those with dental anxiety.

The computerized system regulates injection flow, allowing Dr. Flax to numb only the damaged tooth or teeth. This not only makes the process faster and more comfortable, but it also means you don’t have to deal with unnecessary numbness to entire portions of your mouth.

What To Expect

The Wand administers anesthesia consistently and precisely, offering immediate relief without the stinging sensation of traditional needles. In fact, many patients report that the Wand is entirely pain-free. Because the device targets specific teeth as opposed to whole quadrants of the mouth, you’ll experience relief without the uncomfortable side effects that accompany traditional anesthesia.

Dental Technology FAQs

How long does the numbing process take with the Wand?

While the length of your procedure depends on the specific treatment, the Wand STA system numbs instantly. A single injection can anesthetize multiple teeth, providing immediate pain relief.

Who is a good candidate for the Wand STA system?

The Wand is a wonderful option for anyone requiring restorative dental work on one or more teeth. If you need local anesthesia, the Wand can offer relief for existing pain and prepare your teeth for your procedure. The system’s discrete design and fast delivery application are especially helpful for those with dental anxiety or a phobia around needles.

Can I return to work or do normal activities the same day after my procedure?

One of the main benefits of the Wand, as opposed to traditional anesthetic shots, is that it leaves you with no collateral numbness. That means it only numbs the tooth or teeth we are working on rather than numbing large sections of your mouth. This limits any impact on how you look or your ability to talk, eat, or drink and generally allows you to return to your daily life immediately after your appointment.